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Event details

HURO/1001/045/2.2.4 - Opening Conference 29 June 2012

Project title:

Asociația IT Carei has the honour to invite you to the opening conference organized in the frame of the project Civilcity: a sustainable model to involve civil society in the decision making processes of local authorities (CivilCity), held on June 29th 2012 (Friday) at the Cultural House of Ghenci (str. Principală nr. 86, 447087 sat. Ghenci, com. Cauas, jud. Satu Mare).

The Civilcity project is implemented by Asociația IT Carei in partnership with Kisebbségekért – Pro Minoritate Alapítvány. The aim of the project is to explore financial and organisational models with which the civil sphere could have a bigger say in the issues of the local public affairs in exchange for a bigger financial contribution.

The aim of the planned research finally is to draft a recommendation for the local government and the NGOs. The conference will introduce you to project itself and to the existing models of cooperation between civil society and local authorities in Romania and Hungary.

For further information about the project or about the event please contact us on e-mail ( or phone (+40-764-309122). If you wish to participate at the conference, please do not hesitate to send your confirmation letter on the before mentioned e-mail address. Respectfully yours, Melania Szabo, president