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„Scientific and Entrepreneurial Picnic” in Szeged
27 August 2012

SCIENTSTU project financed in the frame of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme is organising a cross-border dissemination event entitled Scientific and Entrepreneurial picnic in Szeged on 21 September 2012. The event is part of the European Cooperation Day 2012 (, when almost 40 countries will come together to celebrate cooperation and bridge-building between local communities across borders.

The event will be organised outdoor in order to reach a large number of people and students from both sides of the border, inviting them to find out more about scientific challenges and achievements in the cross-border region.

During the „Picnic” project partners will demonstrate chemistry and photonics experiments, meanwhile participants will have the opportunity to try out magical experiments as well. In addition, an „Innovative-IT corner will be set up, where talented IT experts and innovators will present ICT tools and applications during a series of discussions related to the development of new businesses ideas in the cross-border area between Hungary and Romania. Of course, all of these activities will be combined with a real picnic, livened by the performances of music bands from the border area.

The involvement of local media will make the event arrive to a broader audience than the stakeholders and project partners,aiming to bring the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme results to the attention of local communities.

Name of Event: „Scientific and Entrepreneurial Picnic” in Szeged
Date: 2012-09-21
Municipality City: Szeged
Country: Hungary
Address: SZTE József Attila Tanulmányi és Információs Központ (6722 Szeged, Ady tér 10.)
Postcode: 6720
Opening hours from: 14:00
Opening hours to: 18:00
Name of the contact person: Mónika Gortva-Kónya, project manager

Email address of the contact person: