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Newsletter - April 2009

This is the second issue of our electronic newsletter in 2009, which contains relevant programme related information and news. Find out more about the programme and upcoming events.

On behalf of the Managing Authority

Dear Readers,

Welcome you all to the second issue of our 2009 newsletter. Let me share some useful information with you on the recently closed calls for proposals and the application process in general.The past few months brought about a great progress in the Programme’s implementation. January and February saw the closing of the Programme’s first two calls.

We were happy to receive a large number of applications – almost 200 full applications for the first call and more than 150 concept notes for the second one!

The first projects soon ready to start

With the calls opened last year, almost 122 MEUR financing became available for boosting economical and social co-operation and the joint development of the Hungarian-Romanian border region.

The 352 applications received under the first two calls for proposals of the programme shows that there is an intensive interest towards cross-border cooperation in the Hungarian-Romanian border region and local actors are willing to undertake the extra work of preparing and implementing joint projects.

A few things to consider– general problems during the application process

The first calls for proposals are the first test in practice of the new application system for both the applicants and the management bodies.

What are the first experiences and lessons learned after the calls? Which were the most general problems?

Introducing the JTS Békéscsaba and the Info Point Oradea

In this issue our colleagues from the JTS office in Békéscsaba and Oradea Info Point have briefly described their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the programme and the ways in which they can assist applicants through the entire project cycle.

“Being present in the programme area is an important condition of assisting and maintaining a close relationship with applicants”, said Hidvégi Csaba, who has been working in the programme area for over 10 years.

Upcoming events in the programme area and the EU

24-25 April 2009, Biharkeresztes –  You can find out more about the co-operation opportunities in the Hungarian-Romanian border region in the Public Administration section of the XIIth Bihar-Bihor Cross-Border Exposition and Fair. More information here

’Regional Governance in a Global Context’ - 11-12 May, Brussels - As well as examining the EU experience in the field of regional development policies the conference will look at different models of development, at ways of sharing experience in cross border co-operation, among others. Read more here