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Newsletter - April 2010

The spring edition of the newsletter contains relevant information about the curent status of the Programme, with special focus on the calls for proposals. We have also included some important upcoming events, as well as lastest  news related to the modification of the rules of financial reimbursement in case of Romanian partners.

Happy Easter!

The JTS would like to take this opportunity and wish all of our readers as well as our current and prospective beneficiaries a Happy and Blessed Easter!

Latest news

The ministerial decree modifying the rules of financial reimbursement for Romanian partners has been published

3rd call for proposals HURO/0901: 280 applications received

Cold winter could not impede applications from pouring in to the JTS office in Budapest during the last days of January and the beginning of February. Mountains of projects were received and handled during those snowy days.

Second step of the second call is still open!

The second Call for proposals (HURO/0802/AF) for full applications was opened on 6 October 2009 allowing applicants to submit their full applications continuously until 6 July 2010, with 2 intermediate deadlines on 20 January, respectively 6 April 2010, each followed by an evaluation procedure.

Upcoming events

Two major events will be organised within the Programme in the near future. See details below:

Debrecen and Oradea, two of the largest cities in the programme area

Starting with this issue, our newsletters will contain a short presentation of the 8 county seats located within the programme area, by city-pairs. This time on our journey throughout the Programme area we will make a stop in the city of Debrecen and Oradea.