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Newsletter - November 2012

Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme is now on Facebook

Join the group of HURO fans and “Like” us!

Now, you can share links with your contacts and friends, post project news, upload photos or movies and follow new developments.

We strongly encourage our beneficiaries to post information and promote their project in all languages (EN, RO and HU). You can’t miss this great opportunity to increase the visibility of your project!

This was European Cooperation Day!

European Cooperation Day was celebrated all across Europe and in neighbouring countries, for the first time ever, on and around 21 September 2012, aiming to promote the achievements of cooperation between European regions and countries.

53 new projects approved within the 5th Call for Proposals

The 12th meeting of the Joint Steering Committee of the Programme was held in Timisoara, (Romania) on 19 July 2012.

Tips for reporting (via the IMIS system)

What is IMIS 2007-2013? How can it be used by partners? We offer you some valuable tips on filling out the Project Progress Reports.

Upcoming events

A number of final conferences and events will be organised by our projects in the upcoming months. Please check our EVENTS section available also in Hungarian and Romanian for more details.