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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Organisation name and type:
United Europe Foundation,

Project name:
Adapting education to labour market and entrepreneurship values

Lead Partner:
United Europe Foundation

Priority axis:
Strengthen social and economic cohesion of the border area

Key area of intervention:
Cooperation in the labor market and education – joint development of skills and knowledge

Increasing the level of adaptation of education to the labour market for the target region.

Project results:
- Relevant data on the skills needed by the labour market in the region;
- Developed skills of pupils and teachers in carrying out entrepreneurship projects;
- Permanenet educational network and exchanges between education institutions in the region;
- Plan to adapt the educational curricula to the labor market;
- Educational fairs.

Partners needed:
We are searching for partner organization (either public or private) who has carried out previous projects in the entrepreneurship education field or have practiced youth training or any other sort of education for practical life.

We are also looking for partners from the enterprise field (associations of enterprises or employers) who are interested in contributing with their expertise and mobilize the target group they represent.

Estimated budget:
300.000 euro

Estimated duration:
24 months

Company details

Roxana Damian
Phone: +40741 06 644