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Program esemény
Projekt esemény
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Partnerkereső bejegyzés

Intézmény neve és típusa:
Universitatea din Oradea, Oktatási Intézmény

Projekt neve:
Use of SCADA systems for control, monitoring and data recording process for drying (moisture, temperature, permittivity) and decontamination (percentage eliminate pests or pathogens) of cereal seeds in a microwave field

Vezető partner neve:
Universitatea din Oradea

Milyen prioritási tengely alá sorolható a projekt?
A társadalmi és gazdasági kohézió erősítésére a határmenti térségben

Milyen beavatkozási területbe tartozik?
Együttműködés ösztönzése a kutatásfejlesztés (K+F) és innováció területén

Főbb célok:
In the project, there are going to be presented the problems appeared at the storing of the harvested agricultural products, suggesting viable solutions to solve them, using the up-to-date technology. On the basis of a deep analyze of up-to-date technologies of seeds drying and treatment there will be presented the disadvantages which influence their quality, such as long processing time, great dimensions equipments, noxious impact on environment, the incapacity of treatment against the pest and the bacteriological and mycological pathogenic agents. Another analysis will be made on the specific interaction mechanisms of the microwave field on the materials in general and on granular dielectric materials in particular, and also on main parameters of the drying /treatment mechanism( temperature, power levels, duration) obtained after a complex experimental program. This work will present a new technology using a single device for agricultural seeds drying and treatment, providing most of maintenance requirements of these during the storing period. The new microwave technology, proposed in this project, used in the top economic fields, where the conventional forms of energy are difficult to use, opens the possibility of approaching new research fields to obtain healthy, clean and quality agricultural products.

Főbb eredmények:
The novelty and the complexity of the proposed solution results from the creation of a polyvalent equipment, of microwave drying and treatment of the stored agricultural products (seeds) which will be able to eliminate the injurious insects, only by adapting the device for drying, or to treat the seeds infected with bacteriological pathogens with methods that protect the environment. The previous researches which has used this technology focused on the projection of some simple devices that can achieve only one of the processes specified above; these processes can take place with the help of only one device that takes a small place, protects the environment and provides higher efficiency.
As a consequence we may sustain that this project belongs to the range of international activities, its subject contributes to the development of a large fields spectrum which calls the advantages of the microwave technologies. The field chosen for this project also belongs to the present tendency of realizing some new materials or of improving the performance of the existing ones.

Milyen partnert keres?
Universităţi - Egyetemek
Institute sau de centre de cercetare - Intézetek és kutatási központok
Fundaţii sau ONG-uri care să îndeplinească condiţiile de eligibilitate.- Alapítványok amelyek megfelelnek a program feltételeinek

Tervezett költségvetés:
325000 euro

Tervezett időtartam:
18 hónap


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