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Intézmény neve és típusa:
ISIM Timisoara, Kutatóintézet
Projekt neve:
Training of specialists in buildings and infrastructure energy efficiency assessment and their rehabilitation under the new concept of sustainable development (acronym: THERMOVIZION)
Vezető partner neve:
ISIM Timisoara
Milyen prioritási tengely alá sorolható a projekt?
A társadalmi és gazdasági kohézió erősítésére a határmenti térségben
Milyen beavatkozási területbe tartozik?
Együttműködés a munkaerőpiacon, oktatásban – készségek, ismeretek közös fejlesztése
Főbb célok:
- Training of specialists in the field of energy efficiency assessment, thermography method;
- Establishing indicators for achieving the buildings and infrastructure of heating routes rehabilitation using infrared thermography method.
The new concept of sustainable development differs from the classical approach when we talk about a building and infrastructure. This is considerate as an evolving organism that in time have to be treated, rehabilitated and modernized in order to fulfil the requirements set by the user in a certain stage. High topical are the analysis and interventions related to energy saving in terms of ensuring proper comfort conditions. This was called the building\'s energy efficiency. While reducing energy requirements, it also accomplishes two important objectives of sustainable development, namely, primary resources economy and reduction of pollutants emission into the environment.
Főbb eredmények:
- Training of highly qualified personnel in buildings and infrastructure energy efficiency assessment
- Presentations in international conferences
- Publication in high impact journal.
Milyen partnert keres?
Institutions of higher education
Research Centres
Local authorities
Tervezett költségvetés:
200 000 Euro
Tervezett időtartam:
12 hónap
Carmen Marian
Telefon: 0256 200222
E-mail: centa@isim.ro
Fax: 0256 200222