
« 2025. Martie »
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Numele şi tipul organizaţiei:
ISIM Timisoara, Centru de cercetare

Numele proiectului:
Cross-border cooperation for specialists training in the field of Industrial Risk Management (acronym: MRI)

Lider de Proiect:
ISIM Timisoara

Axa prioritară
Întărirea coeziunii sociale şi economice în regiunea de graniţă.

Domeniul major de intervenţie
Cooperare în domeniul pieţei muncii şi educaţiei – dezvoltarea comună a competenţelor şi cunoştinţelor

Obiective :
- Ensure the appropriate trainings in the field of Industrial Risk Management, in order to risk assessment and achieve a high safety level in-service of industrial equipment.
- Training of specialists in this field.

Recently in Risk Management field the ISO / IEC 31010:2009: “Risk management - Risk Assessment Techniques” standard has been jointly developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).
For industrial implementation it is necessary to understand and apply the new risk management concepts using specific tools (expert systems) which are available worldwide for equipment inspection and maintenance, based on: FFS (Fitness-For-Service), RBI (Risk Based Inspection), RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance), in-service Inspection and monitoring of degradation / failure state of the components.

Rezultatele proiectului:
- Carrier development of highly trained professionals in the field of Industrial Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- Presentations in international conferences
- Publication in high impact journal.

Ce tip de parteneri căutaţi?
Institutions of higher education
Research Centres

Bugetul estimat:
200 000 Euro

Durata preconizată:
12 luni

Date organizaţie

Carmen Marian
Telefon: 0256 200222
E-mail: centa@isim.ro
Fax: 0256 200222