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Europe Day (9 May) is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another. See what kind of events are planned to celebrate this day.

Europe Day is a unique opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy a good atmosphere and a variety of cultural programs, which besides their entertaining role, serve as an opportunity to draw attention to the European goals and values. This year, the Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion, and the EU measures against climate change are in the spotlight.

In the programme area, 9th May will be the stage of many events, such as market events, conferences on the EU, exhibitions, concerts, competitions, etc.

How do people celebrate Europe Day in the border region?

For instance, the municipality of Timisoara will be organizing a concert in the city center, which will also mark the opening of the 2010 season of the cultural project “Timisoara – Small Vienna”. In the framework of the project started 5 years ago,  the municipality organizes, during weekends (from May to September), a wide range of cultural events such as concerts, exhibitions and different other happenings.

The Hajdu-Bihar County Europe Direct Information Centre organized a competition for Hajdu-Bihar County high school students, called "EUPress". Students had to express their views on the 2010 slogan of the European Union, in relation to the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The results of the contest will be announced on 10 May. Moreover, the winners will have the opportunity to distribute their magazine in a dedicated tent during the Debrecen Europe Day (15 May 2010).

This years topic of the International Photo Art exhibition -“Europhotoart” - organized by Photo Club “Nufarul” from Oradea, Bihor County, is Europe and its diversity. The event is dedicated to the celebration of Europe Day.

The local Földi János Library, Memorial House and Gallery from Hajdúhadház will organize a series of events entitled “Introduction of one European Union member state: Slovakia” at Hajdúhadház between 7 May 2010 and 12 June 2010 dedicated to celebrating Europe.

Arad City Hall, together with other local organizations, organizes a contest called “9 May– Europe Day, European Village”, where different schools are involved; each school presents one European country of its choice through images, traditions, culture, touristic attractions, culinary arts and other specific features. The event involves also a dance and music concert, specific to European countries.  Moreover, the symphony concert taking place on 9 May is especially dedicated to Europe Day.


For more information on the European Union click here: