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Information days - 18 January 2011

We are pleased to announce that the Information Days will be held in the following cities of the eligible Programme area on 18 January 2011, starting at 10:30 o'clock, local time:

Hungary - Nyírbátor – for Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties

Báthory Várkastély
Nyírbátor, Vár utca 1.

(presentations will be held in Hungarian)

Romania – Oradea - for Bihor and Satu Mare counties

Hotel Elite Oradea
Oradea, str. I.C. Brătianu nr. 26

(presentations will be held in Romanian)

Hungary – Békéscsaba - for  Békés and Csongrád counties

5600 Békéscsaba, Derkovits sor 2.

(presentations will be held in Hungarian)

Romania - Timişoara – for Timiş and Arad  counties

Hotel Continental
Timişoara, B-dul Revoluţiei 1989, nr. 5

(presentations will be held in Romanian)

Invitation/Agenda HU

Invitation/Agenda RO

Important notice:  registration for attending Information Days in advance is not required.