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Săcuieni, a new business bridge between Romania and Hungary

The Association for Business Promotion (APPAR) in Romania made a goal out of increasing and developing the economic potential of Săcuieni area.

The project entitled "Săcuieni, a new bridge between SMEs from Bihor–Hajdú-Bihar Euro Region” was implemented by young enthusiasts from APPAR together with the City of Săcuieni and the Foundation for Enterprise Development in Hajdú-Bihar County.

In spite of the fact that Săcuieni is located in the border area the number of bilateral commercial relations in the economic life of the city is rather low. The level of Hungarian investments is also below expectations. As a matter of fact foreign capital, in general, is to be found only in 12% of the total number of registered businesses and only 25% of the SMEs are performing active import-export activities.

Moreover, taking into account the fact that SMEs are mostly know-how based and dependent on foreign financial capital – the region is defined as being one with a poor technological development. In light of the above mentioned facts the need for developing the economic potential strategy of Săcuieni region is therefore underpinned.

The project aims at transforming the Săcuieni area into an economic bridge by carrying out three main activities targeted directly at SMEs, respectively, the private investors from Hajdú-Bihar County.

Entrepreneurs, but somewhat pessimists
On one hand, the recently conducted public opinion poll pointed out that this area is characterised by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and consequently the number of businesses operating here is relatively high. On the other hand, based on the same poll, the business environment proved to be rather pessimistic especially due to the economic problems investors in the area currently face.

In general, entrepreneurs have certain expectations from organizations sustaining the business environment. These concern access to information, the elaboration of European projects, financial and legal counselling, or the establishment of new connections between local and foreign entrepreneurs. High interest is manifested towards the establishment of contacts with other operators in the border area, which would decisively contribute to business development on both sides of the border.

First trade fair in Săcuieni
The first business trade in Săcuieni “POD CONFERENCE – Conference and trade fair” was organized in Săcuieni on 7–9 May 2010. The conference was opened by Mr. Tánczos Barna, former State Secretary of Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. A total number of 40 Hungarian and 50 businessmen from Săcuieni area participated at the Conference. A variety of brochures, such as “The economic potential of Săcuieni region” in bilingual version, “Catalogue of enterprises in Săcuieni area”, bilingual, and “Establishment and functioning of SMEs in Romania”, presented in Hungarian version, were distributed among participants. All those materials can be downloaded from the project’s web page:

The Entrepreneurial fair, one of the most important events with economic character within the past 20 years was opened by Mr. Béres Csaba, Mayor of Săcuieni. Altogether 25 businesses displayed their products (such as wedding dresses, hardware articles, installations, construction services, apparel, farm produce, security services, housing opportunities in Hajdúszoboszló, household goods, etc.), out of which 8 were from Hungary. During 3 days the fair was visited by both the invited business operators as well as by the locals interested in the products exhibited.

The impact for the SMEs: a plus in competitiveness
The project provided an opportunity to improve the competitiveness of SMEs operating in Săcuieni area by increasing accessibility of the micro-region, the know-how and foreign capital. As part of "POD Conference" prospective business partners were put in contact, and after completion of the project, the publications elaborated help generating additional co-operations. Through POD Investment, another important part of the project, the local administration of Săcuieni discovered potential investors in Hajdú-Bihar County. The paper elaborated is the result of a survey of entrepreneurs in Hajdú-Bihar County wishing to invest in the Săcuieni area.

The project is co-founded by the EU with an amount of 35 275 Euro ERDF.
The project was implemented between: 1 October 2009 – 1 June 2010.

Link to article about the first business fair in Săcueni:

Acces link to VALTO Duna TV broadcasting, presentation of the First trade fair in Săcuieni: