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The HURO Programme has entered into its busiest period!

Once with the launch of the new call the HURO Programme has reached its peak. Hundreds of organisations have answered the fourth and fifth call for proposals and this constituted the major task of the Programme bodies in the period 2011-2012.

Preparatory events such as partner search forums, project preparation meetings and info days had already been carried out during 2011. Direct support was also provided to potential applicants and partners via helpdesk.

In the meantime, both calls were closed successfully. As a result a number of 144 projects were approved for financing within the fourth call (HURO/1001), while the evaluation of 201 projects submitted under the fifth call (HURO/1101) has been started right after the submission deadline in February 2012. Decision on the selection of projects for financing will be taken by the Programme’s Joint Steering Committee this summer.

Another major task in this period has been the contracting procedure under the HURO/1001 CfP and carrying on with the implementation process (Lead Partner trainings, checking progress reports, monitoring and project closing) of the awarded projects under the first three calls. Thanks to the extra effort put in by the Programme bodies almost 90% of ERDF contracts were already prepared and are being sent to beneficiaries. Details regarding the newly approved projects will be available once the Subsidy Contracts enter into force.

In the middle of the implementation the HURO programme has approved 406 co-operation projects in an amount of approximately 150,7 million Euros from the European Regional Development Fund. 61 were closed by the end of 2011 therefore the concrete results of the co-operation are becoming evident day-by-day across the eligible programme area in a wide array of fields and in issues knowing no borders, permitting neighbours to work together and learn from one another, showing best practices in common work.

This is how roads have been built and rebuilt, hospitals got equipped with modern surgical equipment, while knowledge-transfer related to advanced treatment procedures was exchanged among medical staff from both sides of the border increasing safety of patients, the geo-thermal potential of the region was examined, joint disaster management trainings were organised (fireman, water management, police, etc.), the integration of disadvantaged groups into the educational and labour market was promoted, while the cultural heritage of this region was preserved through a variety of events including festivals, trainings, workshops, exhibitions and through the elaboration of a number of joint publications, websites and other similar tools.

The results of the projects implemented within the first two calls have been distinguished by the Regional Policy Directorate General, who selected the project entitled “The integration of Roma in the labour market (HURO/0801/108)” out of a wide selection of projects and included it into the Brochure ‘European Territorial Cooperation -- Building Bridges Between People. This publication will give you an insight into how cooperation currently works, and what the future may hold. Meanwhile, another project entitled “Operation: Clean Rivers” (HURO/0802/035_AF) was featured in the September issue of the Interact Newsletter and the 2nd issue of the Danube Region Strategy News.

As many interesting projects are now emerging our advice is to follow closely our project news in Hungarian and Romanian and our multimedia library.

The updated list of the awarded grants under the three Calls is available here.