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Programme event
Project event
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Upcoming events

Two major events will be organised within the Programme in the near future. See details below:








Lead Partner Seminar and IMIS (INTERREG Monitoring and Information System) training for beneficiaries of HURO/0801 to provide guidance and assistance with the submission of their first Project Progress Reports through the IMIS system.

During these trainings the possibility to test the demo version of the system will be ensured.

The venues of the events will be sent to all Lead Partners in a timely manner. Please note, that participation at one of these events is strongly encouraged.

Joint Steering Committee meeting for the selection of projects submitted until the first deadline within HURO/0802/AF Call for Proposals.


Tell us about your project events and activities

The Visibility Guide for Projects, which is part of the Implementation Package is posted on our Programmes’ website (Downloads-> Contracting and Project Implementation). According to its provisions, project beneficiaries have to communicate towards the JTS information regarding the upcoming project events or major project meetings, so the information can be published on the Programme’s website under the Events section and/or in our periodical newsletters.

Please make sure to provide this information in a timely manner, preferably at least two weeks before the event.