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Zoom in on a project: “E-THEATRUM”

The “Virtual Theatre - Cultural bridge” project symbolizes an integrated approach to enchase community spirit and social progress of neighbouring regions of Hungary and Romania by connecting cultural values in three complementary areas: virtual infrastructure, talent development and education, and cross-border co-operation.

The “Virtual Theatre” project’s aim is to build a cultural bridge between Hungarian and Romanian talented youth actors, e-producers, e-trainers and the audience by setting up a platform where talented singers can interact, discover new ways to “virtually” communicate, e-learn and to co-produce live joint concerts together with the support of virtual tools and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

Building on the opportunities offered by the new technology, the project introduces an innovative way of connecting people in different locations and uniting them under a joint goal: talent development.

The innovative “e-learning content” aims at developing “e-theatre competencies” for talents, while enabling the introduction of new pedagogical approaches in teaching. Online portfolios of young artists are created to support the possible discovery of their talents around the world. After the pilot-testing, young actors will try out their newly gained knowledge and perform together with their neighbouring colleagues in a joint co-production.

The “Finale” will be held simultaneously in Hungary and Romania, where the two stages – singers and audience alike – from Szeged and Timisoara-, are connected in a live broadcast, performing together, across borders. Online virtual choirs from different rural locations will also become a part of the show singing the Virtual Theatre Anthem in front of about 4000 end viewers all across the programme area. 10 “online virtual choirs”, involving over 150 talents living in rural, disadvantaged areas have already started to learn the Virtual Theatre Choir Anthem that was composed and written by one of the young talents, Attila Simony.

The musical notes and instructions are sent to the choir members online. The musical instructor teaches the choir members via video conference. The notes can be downloaded from the project website, Everyone is welcome to become a virtual choir member. The event will be broadcasted in several schools in both countries, as well as on the internet.

Stage rehearsal



The first phase of the selection process of the artists was conducted via Skype. This was followed by a personal interview, having the mentors from Timişoara “linked in” to follow the process. After a joint evaluation, 24 Hungarian and 24 Romanian talents were chosen to participate in the program.


Since ICT solutions often require a personal first time face-to-face meeting, aHome-stay programme” was held to create the foundation of the future online communication between the participants. 


To share and to utilise ICT as a tool, the young talents performed a Christmas Concert for the blind and elderly people at the “Institution for the Blind and Elderly” from Szeged, which was also broadcast online. Dissemination seminars were held in both countries involving 23 institutions, local schools, talent centres, where over 600 people had the opportunity to learn about the project.


The E-THEATRUM products include 3 e-learning modules in three languages (ENG-HU-RO), introducing online methods and tools that can be used for community building activities. After learning these modules, the participants had a chance to test their newly gained knowledge in a Live Workshop connected online to the Romanian friends via Internet. The ICT online workshop was synchronously held in Hungary and in Romania, using online streaming technology, where the talents had to solve joint tasks together with their Romanian teammates. This innovative teaching methodology can be easily adapted to other areas as well.


During the weekly held local mentoring sessions, the two talent groups are again interconnected. With the help of webinars, they can practice their joint roles together for the final rehearsals, since they will participate in one act, the FINALÉ.



The design of the costumes and scenery has begun. Volunteers and talented youth groups support the preparation process. 



The 1st technical rehearsal took place in March, where the Romanian and Hungarian artists were interconnected on two stages (in Szeged and Timisoara).


Hairdressers and face painting artist received the photos and design plans and practiced at home until the 1st technical rehearsal, where they finally met face-to face with the artists. These volunteers will also take part in the preparation of the “virtual choir” members in Csongrád and Timiş counties.

“As a result of the detailed dissemination activities, the E-Theatrum goals and methods are now well known by several sectors: talents, education, training specialists, regional development agencies, talent support service providers, civil groups, local governments. These target groups like the project and show interest in future development activities. Italian, French, Austrian, Slovenian and Serbian theatres have contacted the project owners to further develop and exploit their methodology. Innovative elements, such as Skype meetings, video e-mails, webinars have been applied; several articles, press releases, TV reports, radio spots guaranteed that already over 40 000 e-community members were reached within the program area. “– said Kinga Dancsházy, the manager of the project.

Agóra Information Centre of Szeged
Csiky Gergely Hungarian National Theatre of Timisoara
Home-Stay programme in Timisoara   06-07 April 2013
2nd joint technical rehearsal and stage walks  5 May 2013 4 May 2013
3rd joint technical rehearsal and stage walks 18 May 2013 18 May 2013
4th joint technical rehearsal, shooting day and stage walks 8 June 08 8 June 08
Final performance, press conference and closing conference 10 June 2013

The final event will be organized in Szeged and Timişoara. For more information, please contact the project team.

Tel: +36-70-622-103