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Newsletter - May 2013

Dear Reader,

This issue of the HURO newsletter will provide valuable insights into current and future programme, running projects and their achievements.

With the preparations for the next programme, the HURO website is also becoming more focused on presenting the results of the current period and the preparation works for the next cross-border co-operation programme in the Hungarian-Romanian border area. To this end, we have created the 2014+ section, containing the most relevant information on the programming process.

Does your project have news or events to share? We are interested to hear them and spread further on our website and via Facebook!

Stay informed about recent HURO dynamics!


Training of the winners - HURO/1101

At the end of February the JTS held trainings for the Lead Partners of the projects selected for financing in the HURO/1101 call for proposals in three locations (Debrecen, Oradea and Szeged). 

2014+: Thematic workshop for the preparation of the next Programme

As a major milestone of preparing the Common Territorial Strategy for the Hungary-Romania cross-border area, a thematic workshop with nearly 100 participants was delivered on 9 April in Békéscsaba, in the "Csaba Gyöngye" Cultural Centre.

Zoom in on a project: “E-THEATRUM”

The “Virtual Theatre - Cultural bridge” project symbolizes an integrated approach to enchase community spirit and social progress of neighbouring regions of Hungary and Romania by connecting cultural values in three complementary areas: virtual infrastructure, talent development and education, and cross-border co-operation.

Cooperation example: REFADE

Mathematicians from Hungary and Romania are working together across borders in the field of Functional Analysis and Differential Equations.

Upcoming events - project events and more

A number of final conferences and events will be organised by the Programme and our projects in the upcoming months.