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HURO Newsletter 1/2014

2013 proved to be a year full of remarkable accomplishments both on programme and project level. Programme and project managers worked side by side to harvest the fruits of cooperation. In practice, this meant tireless hours of work put into launching procurements, devising and putting in practice project activities, overseeing investments, reports and payments or solving unexpected problems, just to name a few of the tasks dealt with.

In addition, continuous efforts were made concerning the reimbursement of ERDF funds towards beneficiaries in order to fulfil the yearly spending targets of the programme. As a result, the programme reached the target set out for 2013 (74 million €), avoiding any budget cuts from projects. We are grateful to all of our beneficiaries and colleagues for making this possible with their commitment and assiduous work!

During this year several other activities were carried out by the programme bodies and the JTS, including continuous consultations and trainings for beneficiaries, monitoring the implementation process both on project and programme level, dissemination of achievements and preparations for the next programme.

2013 represented the peak of the 2007-2013 period. By the end of the year, the total amount of the ERDF funding available for projects has been allocated (211 million €). Since 2008, over 450 HURO projects came to life thanks to the HURO Programme 2007-2013.

2014 promises to be just as busy and eventful: a series of implementation seminars are planned for spring, the annual event showcasing our achievements is scheduled for September-October, including the launch of a project album and video, while several milestones and activities, mainly related to the preparation of the next programme, are still ahead of us.

Stay on-board via our website and like us on Facebook as it is the quickest way to find out about our activities!

Hungarian version

Romanian version

Six reserve list projects to be financed within the 5th Call

Six new projects worth 5,26 million € are to be implemented within the programme in a variety of themes.

The on-going evaluation of the HURO Programme is now closed

In October 2013, the Final Evaluation Report of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 was approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee.

2014-2020 period - plans and progress

Enforced territorial cooperation, thematic concentration, stronger focus on results, EUROPA 2020 agenda, macroregional strategies

HURO-BrainPain – working towards competitive research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases

Did you know that neurodegenerative brain diseases and chronic, long-lasting pain embitter the life of several hundreds of millions of people for years, sometimes for decades?

An impetus for the cross-border entrepreneurial mind-set

Competitive firms of all types and sizes are one of the main drivers of strong economic growth, and this is not different in case of the Hungarian – Romanian cross-border region. To flourish they require an environment that favours new ideas and new ventures.

X-PARC – for a greener future

In the last decades, the EU has faced a fast-paced economic growth and societal changes, both playing a major role in shaping the natural world around us. Since the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area is part of the same geographical unit, it is influenced by similar problems, and thus, passing similar development stages.

VIVA ANIMA – Excellency in training and treatment

2011, Oradea: 51% of deaths in Romania are caused by cardio-vascular diseases; Maximum therapeutic window for the treatment of major cardiovascular emergencies: 90 minutes; Nearest interventional cardiology centre – 150 km (110 minutes) (Cluj-Napoca).