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Information-days HURO/1101

Linked to the Fifth Call for project proposals opened in the framework of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013, the Joint Technical Secretariat organized, on the 16-17 November 2011, a series of information events, held in four cities of the eligible Programme area.

The Call for Proposals was opened on the 29th of August 2011, in the frame of one step periodical application model, for full infrastructure project applications, and was launched in an open competition, the deadline for project submission being the 31st of January 2012.

On the Romanian side of the border, Info Days have been organized in co-operation with BRECO Oradea, Info Point, in Oradea and, respectively, in Arad, while on the Hungarian side, the events were held in Nyírbátor and Békéscsaba.

The main objective of the information events was to give support to potential applicants in the preparation of their infrastructure applications, being mainly targeted on giving answers and trying to offer the best possible help to applicants, in order to be able to prepare and submit good quality projects. The Agenda of the Info Days comprised of a set of presentations, such as the general presentation of the Call, filling in the Application form and aspects related to eligible expenditures and budget. During the second part of the event, those present had the opportunity to ask questions, in the context of an interactive question and answer session. In addition, for concrete, specific quetions, the applicants with identified, drafted project ideas could register for personal consultation.

The info-days have been of great interest both in Romania and Hungary. More than 230 people attended the 4 events.

Presentations from the Info Days are now available for download here.